Friday, November 20, 2009

Team Jacob!!!

So i went to the midnight showing of New Moon last night! Super tired now... didn't get to bed til about 3am and then on top of that had to wake up around 6am to drive Greg to work by 7:30am because my car is in the shop... so i slept on my desk until 8:30am =)

I am not sure if i particularly cared for the directing of NM... it was ok, but certain parts just seemed odd, which yeah... some of the actors are a bit awkward and that's ok but it still was just a little unsettling. It just seemed that there were too many scenes made specifically for the fangirl making them seem forced or slow to create impact and provoke swooning but it just came off as unnecessary... Jacob definitely looked good though! Yhowza!

I guess most of all i am disappointed in how much of the greatness from the book wasn't portrayed in the movie. Like certain feelings did not come across from the characters for me. I know, i know, of course the books are always better than the movies made after but i feel like they could have done a little better... I mean the biggest problem is that i feel like anyone who has not read the books would just be like, "ok, this is lame", but really it isn't lame, it is so amazing!

Overall i really liked it, but that is probably because of the layers the book gave to it. The effects were great and there were alot of great scenes!! Oh and the wolves!!! heheh


149 - 150 Working on the website! I think this time i will actually launch it when its done, instead of making websites and then just never touching them again. Oh, and the little robots in the corner have speech bubbles that will only be seen upon mouse hoverage.

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